Normal test results are a cause for celebration for pet owners, because they not only signify a happy, healthy pet, but they are also proof of your dedicated care for your four-legged friend. So, while normal test results seem to hold no value since they don’t reveal abnormalities, they are truly invaluable for your peace of mind and your pet’s health. Our All Breed Pet Care team shares the hidden values behind normal screening test results, and why wellness screening is an invaluable investment in your pet’s health.

Normal screening results equal a clean bill of health

Pet owners often wait on pins and needles for their pet’s screening test results. Their pet may seem healthy, but screening tests can detect many changes in their body that are not yet causing visible signs. When their pet’s test results all fall in the normal range, pet owners can breathe a sigh of relief, knowing their furry companion has a clean bill of health.

Sometimes, a pet owner may be worried about their four-legged friend who seems slightly “off,” and is displaying unusual behavior, activity, or potential illness signs. Test results that come back within normal limits provide those pet owners with invaluable peace of mind. 

Screening tests reveal early stage disease

Ideally, wellness screening tests confirm that your pet is happy, healthy, and thriving, but they can also detect an early stage disease, long before clinical signs appear. Since pets can’t tell us something is wrong, pet owners and veterinarians rely on screening tests to reveal hidden health problems. Many conditions do not cause outward signs until they have advanced and are harder and more costly to treat. Kidney disease, diabetes, heartworm disease, and many other health issues are much easier—on the pet, the owner, and the budget—if caught, and then managed and treated, early on.

Although normal test results may not seem important for detecting early stage disease, they provide a valuable baseline of your pet’s “normal.” Then, on subsequent testing, abnormalities can be identified much more easily, and early intervention provides a better outcome.

Screening test results aid in effective treatment planning

If your pet falls ill, previous normal test results are beneficial in guiding a treatment plan. Screening test results serve as a reference point for your pet’s normal values, and deviations from the norm can be more easily identified. When we can accurately pinpoint your pet’s health issue, we can create a more effective treatment plan that zeroes in on the specific problem. 

Future testing will also reveal your pet’s treatment response. If their values return to normal and their clinical signs resolve, we know the treatment plan was effective. For example, if your pet suffers from an acute kidney injury caused by a toxin and their kidney values return to normal following fluid therapy and decontamination, we will know that those techniques were effective.

Screening test results help manage chronic conditions

Many pets develop chronic conditions, such as arthritis, heart disease, or kidney disease, especially as they grow older. Normal test results provide a benchmark for monitoring your pet’s condition and their response to management therapies. Test results that are monitored and remain stable and consistent over time indicate that the pet’s condition is not progressing and the current management plan can be considered effective. However, if the results deviate from your pet’s “normal,” treatment adjustments are needed to ensure your furry pal has a good quality of life.

Normal test results help prevent potential outbreaks

Infectious and zoonotic conditions pose health threats not only to your pet, but also other animals and people. Normal test results for external and intestinal parasites, feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), or feline leukemia mean your pet is not carrying these contagious conditions, and you can rest easy, knowing they are unlikely to transmit infectious diseases to you or other two- and four-legged family or community members. You also know that your preventive care measures, like vaccinations and parasite prevention, are effective.

If you’re eager to find out if your pet is “normal,” give our All Breed Pet Care team a call to schedule an appointment for their wellness screening tests.